Brasilialaisen taiteen sarja
jatkuu AVA Galleriassa. Vuorossa installaatiotaiteilija Gê Orthof Brasíliasta,
Brasilian pääkaupungista.
AVAjaiset torstaina klo 18.
Tervetuloa! Myös taiteilija itse paikalla!
Series of the Brazilian contemporary art exhibition continues at AVA Galleria: Gê Orthof from Brasília.
Inauguration 18th of July at 6 pm,
Welcome and meet the artist himself!
Tervetuloa! Myös taiteilija itse paikalla!
Series of the Brazilian contemporary art exhibition continues at AVA Galleria: Gê Orthof from Brasília.
Inauguration 18th of July at 6 pm,
Welcome and meet the artist himself!
Nykytaiteen galleria / Galeria de Arte
Contemporânea / Gallery of Contemporary Art
AVA Galleria on toteuttanut vuosien varrella useita
kansainvälisiä näyttelyitä tarkoituksenaan tuoda kansainvälistä näkyvyyttä
edustamillemme taiteilijoille.
AVA Galleria vem realizando ao longo dos anos várias exposições internacionais, com o intuito de abrir o mercado internacional para os artistas que representamos.
AVA Galleria have been organizing, over the years, several international exhibitions, with the aim of opening the international market for the artists we represent.
AVA Galleria vem realizando ao longo dos anos várias exposições internacionais, com o intuito de abrir o mercado internacional para os artistas que representamos.
AVA Galleria have been organizing, over the years, several international exhibitions, with the aim of opening the international market for the artists we represent.
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 17 B 8, 00100 Helsínquia
fale com
nossa diretoria
Montesanti Calil Atallah